"The Six"

"The Six"

Monday, February 1, 2010

...Interesting anatomy lessons.

Having one little boy join our family has brought upon us MANY opportunities for discussions on anatomy at our house. We have been amused since day one by the curiosity this small, extra item has created. The latest in our self discovery:
Ethan is very in to washing his own self in the tub these days...He was explaining to Sabrina the situation of needing to clean his penis...She agreed heartily that it was a great idea. Ethan then told her that next he needed to wash his poo-ness. (Get it: pee-ness, poo-ness)

Naturally this lead to hysterics, which then led to more conversations about things:

Sabrina, who is most definitely our potty humor child had to (once again) discuss the specifics. We went through the whole sha-bang about what everything is, blah, blah, blah. Richard walks down the hall from his office and she informs him that Ethan has a penis and SHE has a "Gaveenus". (G as in giraffe.) I think we can all agree that poor little Emma stuck in the middle of all this is going to have some serious confusion when she actually stops to think on it.


  1. gaveena!!! I love it. That girl so hilarious.

  2. that is so funny. Sabrina is so funny

  3. sounds oh so familiar. glad to hear it happens at your house to. Boston always asks where Avery's penis is. ahhhh
