"The Six"

"The Six"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

...Okay, maybe we will miss it...

After Delaney danced her self sleepy today, we headed to the Dinosaur Museum. The kids had much more fun than I thought they would. We even talked Delaney into playing in the sand!

We ate at In n Out...which the kids love, because it used to just be a place to go in St George - perhaps the novelty will wear off when they realize there is one 10 mins away now.

Then we went to visit Grandma...because Delaney finally made it to point shoes. (I really don't get it - but she is VERY excited - is made it even the right word?) Anyway, the end result of this is: I know nothing about dancing. Everyone was so excited to see Grandma - they didn't even tear the shop up too much. ( I forgot to get a photo. I was too focused on the information about orthopedic specialists. Yikes.)

And then we visited Grandma Cora and Grandpa Jay. Where they all ate gummy bears and left with a soda, so they all had black cherry mustaches by the time we got home - just in the nick of time to start soccer practice. Yee haw!

I think we might just miss summer after all.


  1. I'm back in school and look at your blog during lunch. Love to see how the kids are growing and what beautiful kids they are.

  2. I love in n out that place is so good. Good job delaney for making point shoes. That is awesome. have a great rest of the summer

  3. Yay Delaney and point shoes. Tessa's goal in life. and it freaks me out when I see the girls at the show icing their feet in big coolers. That can't be good. :)
