"The Six"

"The Six"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

...Puppet Shows...

Now then, can you even believe this?!!?!? I dragged Emma home from her friends house, grabbed D from dance, threw a sandwich and a water bottle at Ethan in the back seat, and drove all the way to Orem to watch Sabrina's little class puppet show. It started at 12:30. I walked in the room at about 12:34 and my friend had a teary expression on her face and mouthed to me that I had missed it. 12:34!!!! Of course. It had to be Sabrina. She said oh, it doesn't matter...then the first thing she said to Richard when he got home was that I did not come to her puppet show. I feel like such a jerk. The darn teacher could have asked if anyone wasn't there yet - or Sabrina could have just volunteered the information - that I was coming. (Obviously, it was a VERY short puppet show, not a huge deal, but I have a feeling this will be mentioned often during those lovely little "you don't love me moments"...with the team of therapists my kids will have when they are 30.)

Incidentally, her teacher said, oh too bad you missed it. I will send you a photo. (Seriously?) I will post it if I get it.